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Cornwall Morganeering Copyright


The Camino de Invierno

Friday 3rd May 2019

Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
17.80 4H56 3H29 399 486 210 618



Courtesy of www.gronze.com

Courtesy of www.gronze.com

José and Aroa picked me up at the Mon ComeySueñya Guesthouse at 9-30 a.m. and ferried me back to O Camino Grande for the second half of this stage to Chantada. I started walking at 9-51 a.m.

Kilometer 6, O Camino Grande




Heading to Diomondi - Kilometer 0 on the LU-P-5807


Diomondi is off to the right at this junction



There is nothing special for a few kilometers as you pass through the hamlets of Fion, Vilaravides, Vilatiñosa, Sobrado, Mourelos, Cirdeiro and Vendanova. You eventually come to a Diomondi sign

At last, something a bit more interesting to photograph

Igrexa Romanica s. XII, right next to the Kilometer 4 sign on LU-P 5806

This church, dating from the 12th century and of monastic origin, belongs to the Compostela-Romanesque style and it is very similar to that of Santa Estevo de Ribas de Miño. The facade has got three entrances i the side ones are blind - The main entrance has got a round arch with four archivolts, which rest on shafts of marble with two big arches, which rest on both sides, and in its inner it has got and inscription. The capital decorated with archers, four-legged animals and birds. The church has an attached building on the north side, the Diamondi palace, built in the 13th and 14th centuries and is one of the limited examples of civil architecture in Galicia.

It was used a s a monastery and was the summer residence of the bishops of Lugo since Odoario came here. Odoario spent the last years of his life here and his body was moved to Lugo for burial.





After spending a few minutes looking around Diomondi church I back tracked some 20 meters down the road to take the steep path that leads down to Belesar on the River Miño









I don't know who put this bench here, but they deserve a medal!

Crossing the Miño on the way to Chantada







San Pedro de Lincora







Hotel Mogay (pronounced "Mo-guy")